Situations seem bigger in our minds when we are stressed. When we have not had enough sleep. When we are hungry. Mum and Dad always administer your consequences when you are thinking with your rational brain.
I am sure you will be interested in knowing what parents look out for in schools. What guides their choice? As a mum of two who has studied both in Nigeria and in the United Kingdom and as an educational consultant who has worked with schools and parents I thought I might share with you some of common threads that I have observed.
The top 2 on the list was teacher quality and class size.
Your children know if I do this mummy or daddy will give me two stokes on my palm or on my bum. It can also be reactive when you just pounce on them without any prior warning
Teaching is a science and a craft which means there are evidence based facts on best practices in teaching and learning. These are encapsulated in learning theories propounded by psychologists or social scientists.