12 Thetford Road Essex
RM9 6AP United Kingdom
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
12 Thetford Road Essex
RM9 6AP United Kingdom
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Our brain can be divided into 3 parts: The Limbic brain which is the seat of our emotions, the reptilian brain which controls our basic functioning and our rational brain which is for planning and strategy. Depending on which part of your brain that you train this will determine your response to life situations
Be Informed: Parenting is the only exam which you take and receive your congratulations even before the exam is over. Everyone just expects that you will make a success out of it. However pause and think, many of us manage our children’s behaviour in the way our parents’ managed ours. Therefore depending on what they knew your parenting is almost destined to tow the same line.