
The optimal state of learning and concentration. Understanding the concept of gamification. Modifying e-learning to m-learning. Benefits of gamification

Kahoot – Gamification

Understanding the tool Kahoot. Benefits of using Kahoot. A practical demonstration of all participants using Kahoot. How to use Kahoot to make your class exciting- Getting all participants to create a Kahoot account and design a quiz for their learners using Kahoot

Socratives – Gamification

Understanding the Socrative platform. Benefits of using Socrative. A practical demonstration of all participants using Socrative. How to use Socrates to make you class interesting - Getting all participants to create a Socrative account and design a quiz for their learners using Socrative

Collaborative Learning

Understanding the concept of collaborative learning. Practical guide on how to facilitate collaborative learning. The implication for teachers and learners. How to transform the school into learning communities. Different technological tools and applications that can be used to foster collaborative learning