2024 Overview – London School Exchange Programme

The Global Schools Connect Programme has been designed to:

  • create cross continental partnerships across schools
  • to help students across nations understand the global issues as outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goal (SDGs) thus helping them evolve as change agents
  • To improve life skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • To offer exposure to all students which increases their cultural capital, empathy and understanding of the world around them.

This programme further develops the research skills of students as they pick one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and research on it. This research morphs into creativity through various collaborative workshops. The ultimate aim is to ensure that students engage in projects that create community awareness on their chosen SDG which results in change at a local level. The final phase is a London School Exchange Programme where partner schools meet to display their final submission and are also in London for a week of learning, collaborating and fun.

This is such a transformative experience as offers a global perspective to partner schools across various continents.

2nd Global Schools Connect 2024

2 Continents (African and The United Kingdom) and 7 schools

James Cambell Primary UK, Danbo International Nigeria, Ripple Primary UK, Beautiful Beginnings Academy, Evergreen School Nigeria, Jo Richardson Secondary School UK, Jaypecstar Academy Nigeria.

Students across these 7 schools had an amazing experience as they collaborated virtually in the month of May researching and exploring their chosen SDG. They explored NO POVERTY, LIFE BELOW THE WATER, CLIMATE CHANGE, QUALITY EDUCATION.

Our researchers emerged with a determination to make a difference and across their schools they engaged in different community action  projects like recycling, planting trees and raising funds for local orphanages to reduce poverty.

The research was translated into creativity and several beautiful poetry, artwork and music emerged.

James Cambell School

Our beautiful skies
Our shinning stars
Watch the beach as it is getting more polluted
In the ocean sea animals are suffering
Sea animals are in prison
because of sea pollution
Our oceans are destroyed
Pollution is like a hurricane
Plastic is like a disease

Beautiful Beginning Academy


In the sanctum of wisdom’s embrace,
Where minds alight on knowledge’s grace,
Quality education, a beacon bright,
Illuminates paths, ignites the night.
In classrooms adorned with curiosity’s flair,
Seeds of insight, tenderly care,
Nurtured by mentors, with passion and might,
Blossom into dreams, taking flight.
Through the corridors of thought, they roam,
Exploring realms both near and unknown,
With books as companions, and questions as guides, They journey forth, where intellect resides.
In the symphony of learning, harmonies swell,
As minds converge, stories to tell,
For quality education, in its boundless domain,
Unveils the world, with each refrain.
So let us cherish, with hearts aglow,
The gift of knowledge, where wonders flow,
For in quality education, lies the key,
To unlock the future, for you and me.

Jaypecstar Academy

Climate, Oh Climate
The climate is shifting, and we're losing ground,
Ocean levels rise, as the fish numbers go down.
But what can children do, to make things right?
When united, our impact shines so bright.

Ride bikes, take buses, leave cars behind,
Less pollution, cleaner air, and peace of mind.
Is our world falling? It’s a question we all share,
But together we rise, with hope and care.

The earth’s improving, that’s no lie,
All thanks to efforts from you and I.

Ripple Primary

Zero Hunger Rap

The countries of the world from A To Z, let’s talk about the SDG.
People of the world are dying of hunger. And many people cannot take it any longer.
Some of them are adults and many of them are so much younger.
Many people are feeling sad and mad because food prices are going higher.
Many people are in poverty,
So all of us let’s help the economy.
Many people are becoming poor. Don’t stop there let’s talk about more.
Wait a minute there’s more information. Okay then let’s help the entire nation.
People of the world can eat free at food banks. Don’t worry tho, There are no pranks.
Everybody tale all the help you need because after all, everyone needs to feed.

Danbo School

Quality education

Equality, their mantra, they repeat,
For every child, a chance to compete.
Girls and boys side by side they stand,
Learning together, hand in hand.

Skills for life, not just facts and figures,
Empowering minds, like sturdy triggers.
From alphabets to equations, we explore,
A journey of growth, forevermore.

Safe schools, where laughter echoes free,
Inclusive spaces where all hearts can be.
No discrimination, no barriers to climb,
Quality education, a beacon through time.

Evergreen School

It hurts me to see these creatures in fear,
Let’s show human care
No dumping , no dulling
Clean and clear, sea and air.
Let’s care for our ocean friends,
Protect then to no end.
They bring joy and wonder,
In the sea’s magical splendour

The London School Exchange

Then came the next exciting phase as students from Nigeria packed their suitcases and headed down to London to finally meet their new found friends. It was a week of studying, laughter and fun both in the classroom and outside the classroom with a relaxing time swimming at the leisure centre and visiting the Science Museum. Teachers from Nigeria observed lessons it was an immersive educational experience

The joy was palpable as students from London were eager to hear about Nigeria. The grand finale was the Global Schools Connect Awards hosted by City University. It was a display of Nigerian exhibition, culture and celebration of outstanding students nominated for an award by their schools. Students had a cap and gown experience as they projected into the future and celebrated in a graduation gown.

The teachers in London were not left out as their colleagues adorned them with Nigerian head gears.

The other highlights at the Global Schools Connect Programme was a trip to the Science Museum and Westminster which was an immersive and experiential learning experience

On the last day of the London School Exchange Programme in the morning as we prepared to go to Thrope Park we had a visit from the Award Winners at Ripple Primary who were joining on the trip to Thorpe Park. So the morning started with laughter and fun. The final trip to Thrope Park left our students amazed and excited.

Feedback from School Staff

Global Connect was such a success.  The children have really enjoyed being part of the project and have learnt a great deal from it.  It was a pleasure to host the Nigerian children and teachers. We would be very happy to be involved next year if that is a possibility.