Angelina Ikeako – CEO and Founder

Angelina is a School Improvement Expert and a leadership coach. She has worked in all cadres of the educational sector for more than a decade. A great deal of her time has been spent working in the Quality Learning and Development Sector of Newham College, where she is on the board of governors and is a special adviser to the CEO on staff issues. She served as Mayoral Special Adviser on Education in Barking and Dagenham United Kingdom 2018-2019. She is currently Deputy Head in the school improvement department in Barking and Dagenham Council with a portfolio to champion education equality in supporting high achievement among most vulnerable and high-risk children working with 150 schools within and outside the borough.

The Department of Education UK invited Angelina to be on the panel to review the development of T-Levels. This is a new national qualification with the Institute of Apprenticeship and Technical Education. She has authored several professional development courses. You will find her training thought provoking, enjoyable, relaxing and insightful.